Monday, September 5, 2011

Weekend of a BYU Student.

So, on this wonderful 3 day weekend which we all just finished, I kind of just want to let everyone know what we freshman here at BYU do on our days off. Early Friday night at like 8:30, we were all at the BYU Women's Soccer game (who won by the way!) It was awesome.

Then, we decided to go to a huge dance that was being held in a town about 15 minutes away so we squeezed into a little car and headed up to this dance that had 2,000 people! So much fun even if it was a little hot. It was cool because I got to see a ton of kids from BYU all at the dance together and we all danced the night away out on the dance floor. Then after, of course, we had to get food! So we ate at delicious In'N'Out. When I finally walked back into my room, it was about 3 AM, which wasn't even that late for me ;)

So, Saturday morning I got to sleep in until 10:30 which was awesome. Then I woke up and threw some laundry in (Because I'm a big college kid now and do my laundry Mom!) And went to eat with some friends. Then, we went to the lobby to save our seats for the OPENING GAME OF BYU FOOTBALL! BYU played at Ole Miss and we watched the entire game with 80 other BYU freshman in our lobby. Talk about some energy! It was a great way to watch the game.

After the game a whole group of us went to hang out for the night. Cassidy's older sister Rhonda had invited us over to her apartment for brownies and just to hang out. We decided to go see a movie and were like ok! Let's go to the dollar theatre. So, we head over there and the line is HUGE! Pirates of the Carribean 4 was already sold out. But, I had heard that this movie Apollo 18 was pretty tight! So we all caravan our way over the to regular theatre and sit in the theatre waiting for Apollo 18 to start. Little did we know that by the end of this movie the girls would be screaming, cowering behind their hands, and the guys peeking through cracked fingers and wincing as we watched the reason according to the movie that we had never been back to the moon. If you haven't seen Apollo 18 yet.... I recommend it. It's a pretty dang good movie. After the movie we all just came back to the dorms and went to bed! Even if there were some looks around the dark rooms and some hiding under the blankets going on....

Sunday morning I woke up to go to church at our beautiful church time of 10:30! Not too early and not too late. After, we went to lunch at the Cannon Center and then I came back and took a 3 hour nap. I love naps so much! That evening we just did some scripture studying, meetings with the Bishop, visiting hours where I got to skype with my dear Erin! And then our ward prayer. To top the spiritual Sunday off, I went tunnel singing for the first time last night! 200 kids squeezed into a tunnel all singing hymns together! So powerful and an awesome way to end the night! 

And now our wonderful Labor Day! This morning I got up to hike the Y with my ward, had breakfast after with all of them, and then came back to the room to do some homework. Then out shopping with Ashley, Alex, and Tyler. And now I'm just sitting in my room blogging. And now I'm coming back after my amazing evening of playing Catch Phrase and a new game called Psychiatrist with people from my ward and some amazing friends from both home and summer term. GOSH! I love BYU so much. 

So, typical story of a BYU Freshman, staying out way too late, blasting music, dancing, singing all together, playing games, just chilling and enjoying life. This really is the place to be right now. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

BYU Classes!

Hey everyone! My second post and I said that I would tell everyone about my classes. So, here are descriptions of my classes for BYU-Fall semester.

1) American Heritage: A government/economics/history of America class. In a huge lecture hall with like 400 kids, and supposedly pretty hard. But, I like history a lot and so far the reading has been really interesting. I'm looking forward to it, just so I can work hard to get an A.

2) Political Science 110: Intro to American Politics: This class will be awesome. An introductory class on American politics, my class has only 25 kids in it and the professor is awesome. Of course, the first day of class he showed the Napoleon Dynamite dance as an example of how Pedro got votes to become Student Body President, and the dance just brought back so many memories of dance festival. It was awesome! Not too much homework so it should be good.

3) Beginning Contemporary Dance: So far... Awesome! I love modern dance and am really looking forward to choreographing my own pieces in that class.

4) Biology 100: Not just a standard Biology class, it's actually interesting! We take a social question each day and apply biology principles to it. It will be really interesting and not much homework at all!

5) Book of Mormon, Second Half: This class is already AMAZING! Brother Smith is so hilarious and interesting, I look forward to going to that class so much. We learn so much about the scriptures and laugh all the time. And, I have Jake Heaps in my class and a couple summer friends so that is hecka cool!

6) Intro to Music 101: This class will also be awesome. I love music so much and this class just explores new ways of listening to both classic, oldies, and modern music, from rock to hip hop and rap. The other day we listened to Beethoven, Michael Jackson, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga all in one day. Not a lot of homework at all which will be awesome.

So, these are my classes for BYU-Fall semester. 14.5 credits. And really not too much homework hopefully, which will help a lot as I keep up on all of my classes, work, church, and social life. And these classes will really help me get to the places I want to go. Bring it on classes!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My First Post.

Well, my first blogging post. Pretty dang exciting, right? I have to give some credit to Ashley Cook, it was looking at her blog that got me really interested in the whole idea of blogging. So thanks Ash! Well, I'm at BYU. Finished my summer term with flying colors if I do say so myself. I absolutely loved it and made so many new friends. One things about summer term that I loved was how everyone was just so chill! I love the atmosphere here at BYU. I also liked how being away from my family really made me realize how much I love them and miss them. But, I know that being at BYU is the right thing for me and I have absolutely loved every minute of it! And now fall term has begun. My first week is finished, and my classes are all really good! I'll go into more detail about classes in my next post. But, I just wanted to say why I wanted to write a blog. I want people to be able to follow it and look at some of my ideas for things to do in Provo, Music list, 101 Things That Make Me Happy, and also any other things that I decide to post. Hopefully at least my Mom follows me! Well, I hope you all enjoy this blog and I know that I will love working on it and always improving it! I hope you'll all join me as we see the places that we can all go.